Tag Archives: Port Aransas Texas

The Beach.

I love the beach.  No, make that I LOOOOVE the beach.

I love the wide expanses of cold, grey, hard packed sand on the Oregon coast.  I love the freezing cold, dark blue ocean off of Nantucket.  I love the warm, bouncy surf off of South Carolina.  And yes, I even love the tar stained sand and mossy water of Port Aransas.  I have yet to meet a beach that I didn’t instantly adore and I’m happy to report that I have added another beach to my heart throb list…


My sweet family and I just got back from a week in Grayton Beach, Florida where we played on the beach, played in the surf (which was surprisingly rough sometimes), rode bikes, ate lots of fried shrimp, snorkeled and rode bikes.  We rode bikes A LOT.  The bikes were the highlight of the trip for the girls.  They’ve never lived in a place where they could be so mobile on their own and they loved it.

 charlotte bike

   blue   trio   lake

 ice cream   fish

flips   book   girls     natureocean   gumbo  penel snorkel (2)


This trip will go down in Venhaus family history as the trip where Charlotte discovered the joys of Key Lime Pie, Gumbo and Orange Fanta.  Where Penelope discovered that a bike can take you to all sorts of fun places.  Where James decided that he really doesn’t like snorkeling all that much and I added yet another place to my ever-growing list of places I would like to live.


Filed under family, this and that, travel